However composite is made up of recycled materials such as plastic and timber making it more eco friendly but also slightly more costly. that being said there are many unique benefits in using a high quality composite like Future wood and Trex. click here 16,000 woodworkprojectplans
One of the main benefits in using a Composite decking is that there is no need for deck screws, the decking is secured to the sub-floor by hidden clips on either side of the decking, these are not visible as they are under the face of the deck. this allows for a much more seamless finish compared to having screw lines running across the deck when using natural timber.
Composite also comes in a much wider variety of colours meaning you can choose exactly the right product to suit your design an Budget.
As composite is man made it always comes in straight and equal lengths, no bowed boards or ugly knots and burs. meaning if careful thought is taken by tradesmen there will be no decking joins in the middle of the deck and there is much less wastage.
Now I mentioned before that composite is far more eco friendly than regular timber decking, so if you want a deck but also want to do your part for the environment here’s a few reasons why composite is the material for you.
Composite is made up of 95% recycled materials such as timber and plastic meaning that no trees were harvested for the manufacturing of the product
We at Elite Lifestyle Builders pride ourselves on the fact we use only the highest quality materials when building, that’s why we only use genuine and proven products when building our composite decks or any Deck.
Elite Lifestyle Builders
hope this blog has been informative and helps you make a more informed decision when designing your next deck.
Why Elite Lifestyle Builders only use Quality Composite decking Read More »